Breeding Surveys

Breeding shorebird surveys within each Bird Conservation Region of Alaska

Breeding shorebird surveys that have been conducted over large areas or islands within each Bird Conservation Region of Alaska (ordered by number [No.] below), including study area size and effort, dominant species surveyed, survey type, estimate of shorebird abundance at each site, year(s) of study, and reference.

Northern Pacific Rainforest Bird Conservation Region 5

No. SiteStudy Area Size (effort)Dominant Species2* Survey Type3Measure of Abundance4Year(s) of Study Reference(s)
35Kenai Fjords National ParkUnknown (5 transects)BLOY Boat-based coast survey, 20-km transectsD: 0.05–0.09 nests/km2007– 2016Coletti et al. 2017
36Southwestern Prince William SoundUnknown (5 transects)BLOY Boat-based coast survey, 20-km transectsD: 0.06–0.13 nests/km2007– 2016Coletti et al. 2017
37Prince William Sound10,000 km2 (185 transects)BLOY Boat-based coast survey, random line transectsP: 709 ± 223 ind (95% CI)1989 –1993Agler et al. 1999
38Western Prince William Sound4,660 km shoreline (1,943 km, 18 transects)BLOY Boat-based coast survey, transects, 21–254 km longN: 291 obs, 94 territories D: 0.03–0.38 pairs/km2000– 2004Poe et al. 2009
39Eastern Prince William Sound (Nelson Bay to Knoll’s Head, Red Head to Galena Bay)2001: 300 km, 2002: 110 kmBLOY Boat-based coast survey, all shorelineN: 2001: 8 nests + 3 ind obs; 2002: 31 nests + 5 obs2001, 2002Meyers and Fode 2001, Meyers 2002
40Prince William Sound focus on Hinchinbrook and Hawkins Islands, College Fiord/Port Wells, Cochrane Bay, Blackstone Bay, shoreline between eastern Valdez Arm and CordovaUnknown (1,300 km of surveys)BLOY Boat-based coast survey, some beach walksN: 101 territories 2007– 2009Poe et al. 2013
41Prince William SoundUnknown (8–9 transects/year over 46 regions)BLOY Boat-based survey, split panel, rotating design, 20-km transectsN: 12–21 territories/year; 317 obs over all years2012– 2017Cooper 2013; Cooper and Gabrielson 2012; Gabrielson 2014, 2015a, 2016, 2017
42Middleton Island 12.95 km2 (all coastline)BLOY Land-based coast survey, monthly counts (April– September, February)P: 781, 716, 703 ind maximum in 2004–2006, respectively D: ave. 9.8 pairs/ km in 2004 and 20052002, 2004– 2006Gill et al. 2004; Guzzetti 2008
43Eastern Copper River Delta>225 km2 (52 km, 11 transects)LESA, RNPH, SBDO, WISNRepeated belt transects 3–9 km long, 30 m wide, rope drag on some transectsD: 20.5–28.8 nests/km2 for all shorebirds1978, 1979Mickelson et al. 1980
44Glacier Bay Unknown (1,203 km of surveys)BLOY (3 other less common)Boat-based and ground surveys, focus on human disturbance sitesN: BLOY = 124–205 pairs4a2003– 2005Arimitsu et al. 2007
45Glacier Bay, Beardslee IslandsUnknown (all coastline)BLOY Boat- and beach-based surveysN: 66 territories 2005Tessler and Garding 2005
46Sitka Sound Unknown (25 sites)BLOY Area search, revisit Webster sites and othersN: 8 pairs 2007Andres and Christensen 2009

Northwestern Interior Forest Bird Conservation Region 4

No. SiteStudy Area Size (effort)Dominant Species2* Survey Type3Measure of Abundance4Year(s) of Study Reference(s)
30Southern Nulato Hills1b5,100 km2 (596 points on 19 grid cells; intensive plot)BTCU, AMGP, PAGP, SURF, WISN, WHIM (other less common)Random 10 km x 10 km grid, point counts plus intensive validation plot for BTCUP: 2,000 pairs of BTCU (CI: 700–3,300); no estimates made for other species1989, 1991, 1999Handel, unpubl. data in Marks et al. 2002; Handel, Gill, McCaffery et al., unpubl. data
31Southern Nulato Hills1b5,100 km2 (249 points at 16 sites)BTCU, WHIM, PAGP, BARG, other speciesSystematically distributed sites, point countsN: BTCU = 228 obs; WHIM = 121 obs2012K. Sowl, unpubl. data
32Donnelly and Tanana Flats Training AreaUnknown (220 plots)WISN, LEYE, SPSA, WHIM, SOSA (7 other less common)Modifed PRISM, 16-ha plotsN: 1–216 obs/ species; O: 0.32 occupancy estimate2017E. Martin, unpubl. data
33Upper Susitna River Watershed2,076.5 km2 (>2,500 points)WISN, LEYE, AMGP, RNPH, LESA (7 other less common)Random grids by vegetation strata, point countsN: 1–337 obs/ species; O: <0.001–0.235 detections/1,434 counts2013, 2014ABR 2018
34Interior Road System (Dalton, Denali, Elliot, Parks, Richardson, Steese, and Taylor, Highways; Stampede Road)Unknown (279 points on 28 transects)WHIM, WISN (9 other less common)Non-random transects, point counts, 2–21 points/ transectN: 1 species on 63 points; 0 obs on 203 points2013Harwood 2016

Western Alaska Bird Conservation Region 2

No. SiteStudy Area Size (effort)Dominant Species2* Survey Type3Measure of Abundance4Year(s) of Study Reference(s)
7Seward Peninsula and W Norton Sound4,500 km2 (2814 point counts at 1035 points on 39 grid cells, intensive plots)BTCU, AMGP, PAGP, WHIM, BARG, WESA, WISN (4 other less common)Random 10 km x 10 km grid, point counts plus intensive validation plot for BTCUP: 1,200 breeding pairs of BTCU on Seward Peninsula (CI: 500-1,900); D: 0.03–1.18 birds/point for other species1988– 1992, 2000Handel, unpubl. data in Marks et al. 2002; Tibbitts et al. 2006; Handel, Gill, & Tibbitts, unpubl. data
8Seward Peninsula 3,500 km2 (247 points on 14 grid cells)AMGP, BTCU, WESA, WHIM, WISN, PAGP, BARG (9 other less common)Stratifed subset of random 10 km x 10 km grids sampled in 1988, 1989, 2000; replicated point countsN: 1–303 obs over all points and years; predicted abundance (detections) per point relative to habitat2012– 2014Thompson et al. 2016
9Seward Peninsula 67,500 km2 (106 polygons)REKN, AMGP (10 other less common)Area search, 10–338-ha polygons on ridges and domesO: REKN present at 27% of polygons2011Johnson et al. 2011a
10Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge55,336 km2 (621 rapid plots, intensive plots)WESA, RNPH, DUNL, WISN, BARG, BLTU, LESA, BBPL, LBDO, ROSA, SESA, WHIM, PAGP, SBDO (12 other less common)PRISM, 16-ha plots plus intensive validation plotsP: 4,720,396– 8,321,746 ind2015, 2016R. Lanctot, unpubl. data
11Yukon Delta (Hazen Bay area)853 km2 (78 rapid plots at 9 clusters, intensive plots)DUNL, RNPH, SESA, WESA, BLTU, BARG, ROSA, BBPL, WISNMostly Random PRISM, 9–14- ha plots; plus intensive validation plotsP: 309,371 ind (CV = 0.11)2002McCaffery et al. 2012
12Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (Aerial: Central Coast; Ground: Angyoyaravak Bay)~3,800 km2 (556 km aerial transect, 25 ground transects)BLTU Aerial and ground-based surveys, ground transects 1.2–11.2 km longP: 80,000 ind (CI = 61,000– 99,000)1978– 1982Handel and Gill 1992
13Yukon River (Holy Cross to Emmonak)1a520–700 km of river/year (650– 865 points/year)WISN, LEYE, SOSA, SPSA (5 other less common)Boat-based point countsN: 12–124 obs/ species1998, 2000, 2002Harwood 1999, 2001, 2003
14Kuskokwim River (Aniak to Bethel)1a>483 km of river (590–598 points/ year)WISN, LEYE, SOSA, SPSA (5 other less common)Boat-based point countsN: 17–72 obs/ species1999, 2001Harwood 2000, 2002
15Alaska Peninsula Lowlands (points from Upper Naknek River to end of Alaska Peninsula)23,100 km2 (792 points on 52 grid cells)DUNL, WISN, SBDO, LESA, RNPH (8 other less common)Random 5 km x 5 km grid, point counts, all plots with ?15% of area <100 m elevationD: 0.5–1.5 ind/ point for 5 common species2004– 2007Savage et al. in review
16Alaska Peninsula Unknown (51 rapid plots at 6 sites)DUNL, WISN, RNPH, SBDO, GRYE (6 other less common)Non-random PRISM, most 16-ha plotsP: 1,803,925 ind (CV = 0.32)2002McCaffery et al. 2012
17Katmai and Lake Clark National Park and Preserve15,175 km2 (885 points on 54 grid cells)AMGP, SEPL, GRYE, LEYE, WHIM, SURF, LESA, WISN (9 other less common)Random 10 km x 10 km grid, point countsD: 0.001–0.093 ind/point2004– 2006Ruthrauff et al. 2007
18Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve2,433 km2 (136 points on 8 grid cells)SEPL, LESA, ROSA, WISN (7 other less common)Random 10 km x 10 km grid, point countsN: 1–126 obs/ species2008Ruthrauff and Tibbitts 2009
19Outer Shumigan Islands (south of Alaska Peninsula)Unknown (2–4 surveys on coast)BLOY Boat-based, followed by beach surveysD: 0.1–2.5 pairs/ km21994, 1995Byrd et al. 1997
20Izembek NWR isthmus (road corridor from Cold Bay to King Cove)40 km2 (120 points)ROSA, DUNL, SEPL, LESA, RNPH, WISN, SBDOSystematic grid of point countsD: ROSA 2.8 ind/ point2007– 2009K. Sowl, unpubl. data
21Kodiak Island ~400–~1000 km coastline/yearBLOY Boat-based coast surveyP: ~1,350–1,750 ind1994– 2005D. Zwiefelhofer, unpubl. data in Tessler et al. 2014
22Kodiak Archipelago1,465 km2 (nearshore only; 150 nearshore and 11 offshore island transects)BLOY Boat-based coast survey, systematic, 2.5–5-km transectsP: June: 1,410 (CI: 1,191–1,629); P: August: 3,402 (CI: 1,991–4,814)2011– 2013Corcoran 2016
23Katmai National Park and PreserveUnknown (5 sites) BLOY Boat-based coast survey, 20-km transectsD: .06–0.12 nests/km2006– 2016Coletti et al. 2017

Aleutian/Bering Sea Islands Bird Conservation Region 1

No. SiteStudy Area Size (effort)Dominant Species2*Site Survey Type3Measure of Abundance4Year(s) of Study Reference(s)
1St. Matthew and Hall Islands330 km2 (200.3 km of transects)ROSA Systematic, line transectsP: 13,480–17,289 ind2003Ruthrauff et al. 2012
2St. Paul Island 109 km2 (205.1 km of transects)ROSA Systematic, line transectsP: 988–1469 ind 2001Ruthrauff et al. 2012
3St. George Island 90 km2 (170.6 km of transects)ROSA Systematic, line transectsP: 2155–3022 ind2002Ruthrauff et al. 2012
4Eastern Aleutians 4,917.5 km2 (68 islands)BLOY Boat or beach surveys, observations from cli?sN: 998 obs 1980– 1981Nysewander et al. 1982
5Eastern Aleutians (Adak, Amlia, and Avatanak Islands)9,243 km2 (60 rapid plots at 3 clusters)ROSA2a Non-random PRISM, 16-ha plotsP: 61,602 ind (CV = 0.58)2002McCaffery et al. 2012

Arctic Plains and Mountains Bird Conservation Region 3

No. SiteStudy Area Size (effort)Dominant Species2* Survey Type3Measure of Abundance4Year(s) of Study Reference(s)
24Arctic Coastal Plain73,348 km2 (unknown # of rapid plots, intensive plots)AMGP, SESA, PESA, DUNL, LBDO, RNPH, REPH (12 other less common)PRISM, most 16-ha plots plus intensive validation plotsP: NPR–A = 4,540,047; Prudhoe Bay = 1,431,007; Arctic Refuge = 307,611; Total = 6,278,6651998– 2004Bart et al. 2013
25Teshekpuk Lake Special Area4,550 km2 (167 rapid plots)SESA, PESA, DUNL, RNPH, REPH (8 other less common)PRISM, 16-ha plotsP: 573,274 ± 38,718 (1 SE)2006– 2008Andres et al. 2012a
26Arctic National Wildlife Refuge– Coastal Plain674,000 km2 (197 rapid plots, intensive plots)AMGP, SESA, PESA, RNPH, REPH (9 other less common)PRISM, 16-ha plots plus intensive validation plotsP: 104,122– 362,9382002, 2004Brown et al. 2007
27Cape Krusenstern National Monument and Noatak National Preserve13,000 km2 (149 polygons)REKN, AMGP, SURF (11 other less common)Area search, 15–700-ha polygons on ridges and domesD: REKN = 0.31–0.62 pairs/ km2; O: REKN = 13% of polygons2010Johnson et al. 2010a
28Cape Krusenstern National Monument (Kakgrak Hills, Tahinichok Mountains)Kakgrak: 48 points on 4 transects, 25 km total length), Tahinichok: 36 points on 3 transects over 3 townshipsAMGP, BARG, WHIM, WISN, REKNAccessible townships, transect with point countsO: Kakgrak = 12.5–77% of points Tahinichok = 21–47% of points1996Gill et al. 1996
29Arctic Network of Parks (Cape Krusenstern National Monument, Noatak National Preserve, Kobuk Valley National Park, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve)67,800 km2 (1,647 points at 69 sites)AMGP, LEYE, WATA, WHIM, BARG, SURF, SESA, BASA, PESA, LBDO, WISN (11 other less common)Random 10 km x 10 km grid, point counts, all areas ? 100 m in elevation and < 30° slopeO: 0.1–13.8% of points2001– 2003Tibbitts et al. 2006

Data compiled by R. Lanctot and R. Gates, and accompanying map created by S. Saalfeld. Coverage excludes Breeding Bird Survey routes, Alaska Landbird Monitoring Survey plots, North Pacifc Pelagic Seabird Database, and small-scale breeding studies. See Figure 11 for location of sites in Alaska.

1aThe northern half of these transects is located in BCR 4.

1bSome sites in southern Nulato Hills are located in BCR 2.

2*Species that are numerically dominant are listed. See Appendix 1 for scientifc names. AMGP = American Golden-Plover, BARG = Bar-tailed Godwit, BBPL = Black-bellied Plover, BLOY = Black Oystercatcher, BLTU = Black Turnstone, BTCU = Bristle-thighed Curlew, DUNL = Dunlin, GRYE = Greater Yellowlegs, LBDO = Long-billed Dowitcher, LESA = Least Sandpiper, LEYE = Lesser Yellowlegs, PAGP = Pacifc Golden-Plover, PESA = Pectoral Sandpiper, REKN = Red Knot, REPH = Red Phalarope, RNPH = Red-necked Phalarope, ROSA = Rock Sandpiper, SBDO = Short-billed Dowitcher, SEPL = Semipalmated Plover, SESA = Semipalmated Sandpiper, SOSA = Solitary Sandpiper, SPSA = Spotted Sandpiper, SURF = Surfird, WATA = Wandering Tattler, WESA = Western Sandpiper, WHIM = Whimbrel, WISN = Wilson’s Snipe.

2aSurveyors were unable to count Black Oystercatchers on the shore due to fog and rugged topography that made accurate counts impossible.

3Survey type includes basic description of methods used to count birds. PRISM = Program for Regional and International Shorebird Monitoring. See references for more details.

4Measure of abundance prioritized by listing population estimate frst (P, with species, confdence interval [CI], coefcient of variation [CV], standard error [SE], and range provided in some cases), then density (D), number observed (N), and then occurrence (O). Number of individuals (ind) and observations (obs) given where relevant. Measures reflect value for all species observed unless species stated. See references for values of individual species.

4aThis count includes birds counted by Tessler and Garding 2005.

*All content and related citations can be found in the Alaska Shorebird Conservation Plan, Version III.

Suggested Citation:
Alaska Shorebird Group. 2019. Alaska Shorebird Conservation Plan. Version III. Alaska Shorebird Group, Anchorage, AK.

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